Audrey has been working on her sketches as you can see by the picture. The first one is for Miley Cyrus to wear on the red carpet and the second is for Beth (my wife) to wear out. Audrey says her mom likes ruffles which you can see at the bottom of the dress.
Now onto the show.
It was a tough week for Audrey even though it was her favorite challenge EVER, she saw her favorite almost go home. But Amy survived and can still make it to Bryant Park. Audrey was glad that one of her fears didn't come true, when she saw the previews Audrey said, "I hope Nina Garcia doesn't scare the children"
Here's her weekly take on the designers:
Mila: Audrey liked the pink and green blocking on the kid's clothing, but thought the "cow fabric" was a bad pick for the edging.
Emilio: Audrey thought he used too much pink on the kids, but his adult outfit was her favorite!
Ben: It was OK.. "one of the middle guys"
Amy: The pants were wacky on the model and Audrey says she cannot defend, but she disagreed on the kids outfit. Audrey would wear that and be just fine. (Audrey also picked up a new expression because she did not know what "dressed in a closet" meant) She is still Audrey's favorite and we are hoping for a big bounce back week!
Seth: Seth's kid's outfit was Audrey's favorite. She also thought the girl model was cute and has been imitating her all week by saying "I like my puurrrse" Audrey loved the watermelon pockets and hood.
Jay: Audrey liked the color the most of any part of either outfit. She thought the "mismatch" with the model's top and the kid's skirt really worked well.
Anthony: The flower pattern at the top of the kid's outfit really worked. Mommy liked Anthony's dress.
Jeneane: She may be nice but Audrey says she "had to go". Too much drama and too simple of outfits.
Jesse: The model "actually showed out" this time.. not sure what that means but Audrey was very specific on her critique. Audrey liked the kid's outfit but wasn't overly impressed with the dress. The model look was cool.
Jonathan: Audrey was ok with what he was trying to do but it did look like toilet paper. He may not last much longer even though he's one of daddy's favorites.
Maya: Even though Jesse talked of Madeline, Audrey thought Maya's looked "too Madeline" She was not enthused about it.
THOUGHTS ON MODELS OF RUNWAY: Audrey was surprised that Cerri was not good with kids because she seems nice. She was sad to see Megan go home because she had made friends that were like sisters to her.
Thanks for reading!